“What are these?” The little boy asked as he picked up one of the stones from my desk.

“Do you know the story of David and Goliath?” You could see he was barely paying attention to me as the stones had completely engulfed his attention.

I said, “These stones are from the same place where David picked out his stones to defeat Goliath. These are very valuable and important to me. But I would love for you to have one.”

I extended my arm to hand him the stone but he harshly responded saying, “No, I don’t want it!” I was shocked! Even though he was probably three or four, his story is so similar to ours. Even after I told him and showed him how valuable these rocks were to me, his response was a priceless lesson.

How many times has God showed you the value of something and you have rejected it? How many times have you been offered something special from God and you blew it because of your own ignorance? Aside from the ultimate treasure God has given us through His son Jesus, we have been offered so many incredible things, including grace, but because of our own selfish will or arrogance we reject God.

This isn’t a long blog or speech about repentance and turning back to your first love. This is a short warning and wake up call. God gives us divine and precious moments each day to share His love and grace with others. Will you accept the opportunities and gifts He has placed in front of you, or will you reject Him?

“Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.” -Ephesians 5:15-17

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