What if God answers your prayer, and you don’t even know it?

Yesterday in my small group we discussed the Trinity and how the Holy Spirit is an active being within each of us. Of course, this is no easy subject to teach, particularly to Jr. and Sr. High students. I went on to ask how we can “spice up” our relationship with Yahweh. Since the Jesus following life is a lot like a marriage, I noted how marriages can go through dry and boring seasons. I asked, “How can you get creative and do something new with Jesus this week?” A lot of the students gave the good old Sunday School answer: Go to church/youth group, pray, and read your Bible. However, I compared those things to doing the dishes, laundry, etc. They are the essentials, but what can you do to prove your love to Yahweh? Everyone seemed to be stumped. Finally one of the leaders mentioned, “Get out of your comfort zone.” Then I posited that you can be in Wal-Mart and pray for someone, strike up a conversation with the cashier, and just show what Jesus has done for you. In order to improve your relationship after a dry season, the most important thing you can do is show that person how much you truly love them and what they have done for you.

At this point I was done talking but I knew we weren’t finished and said, “What has Jesus done for you?” I asked them to tell their testimony or just something Jesus has done in their lives because their testimony is so important when sharing the Gospel. What happened next was nothing short of a “God-moment.” One of the new sixth grade students who struggles from some social anxiety and speaking raised his hand to share his testimony and this is what he said:

“One time, we were going to Erie with my cousins and we asked Jesus to protect us while we drove up and we got there safe. Jesus protected us.”

I’ll have to admit, when I first heard that, I was like…okay, that’s…cool. You know, I was looking for the “I sinned and Jesus forgave me” answer. But then I thought hard and realized, “Jesus totally just answered their prayers! They asked to be protected and safe, and they were.” When we really think about it, we only realize Yahweh has answered our prayers when it’s a miracle or, quite frankly, when He says “no.” But when it comes to simple things, we ignore them. We act as if it was just because we were safe or because we were capable of doing so. I’m not trying to make everyone feel like they’ve totally failed as a Christ-follower. I am probably the most to blame for this lack of acknowledgement of the Holy Spirit acting in my life.

So here is my challenge: Start writing down every prayer you have; whether it’s for a person, for traveling, or any other prayer, and see how much Yahweh truly answers. Simple prayers are just as important as complex ones. Always remember, Yahweh will say “no” to some things and that will be His answer. “No” isn’t always a bad thing, in fact, more often then not, it’s better! So get out your notebook, Evernote or any note taking tool and start writing down your prayers! Get creative and think outside the box. Living a Spirit-filled life should be fun and exciting! Don’t allow your relationship with Yahweh become bland and boring.

I’d like to hear back from you. Try this challenge for one month and let me know how much Yahweh has truly answered for you.

About Justin

Justin is a lifelong student who loves to speak, travel, film, write, and coach. He has a goal of empowering others to grow closer to Jesus in practical and unique ways. After acquiring two degrees in Practical Theology and then studying in Israel for two years, Justin has a passion to help people read the Bible with a deeper appreciation in its original, ancient context. He would not be where he is today without his incredible wife, Lauren! While he's a pastor at heart, he's also an avid pizza lover, metalcore listener, and shot glass collector.

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