Preparing For The Passover Lamb: A Lenten Devotional
Take a 48-day lenten devotional journey through Lent as you prepare for Passover, the Cross, and the Resurrection. Learn about the mission of Jesus, practical ways of following Him after Lent, and how the Passover elements all point towards the Messiah.
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Day 23: Rachtzah
Following the second cup, we participate in what’s called the Rachtzah. This is a second ritual hand-washing before we eat the matzah. We can’t know for sure, but I believe that it was at this point that Jesus would have began washing the disciples’ feet. John 13:2 says that the evening meal was already in progress, so it’s likely that at this spot Jesus washed the disciples’ feet.
Let’s go back to the Urchatz for just a moment and remember Exodus 30:19, “Aaron and his sons are to wash their hands and feet with water from [the basin].” The disciples have already washed their hands. Now Jesus, who is about to become the ultimate High Priest, is washing the feet of His disciples so that they will be ready for the priestly ministry that He is about to commission them with. Not only were they to act like priests, but they were to live out that ministry in humility.
My undergraduate college, Southeastern University, was steadfast in making sure that we understood and practiced servant-leadership. As a constant reminder, there is a fountain in the middle of the university with a statue of Jesus washing Peter’s feet. It’s a beautifully powerful image and a reminder of what Jesus exemplified for us.
Power and authority are not in and of themselves corrupt or evil. In the right hands and with the right mindset, they can be used to bring justice and ensure the good of the people over whom they have power. Servant-leadership is a picture of a humble leader who has the interests and needs of others at the forefront of their governance. The second that it becomes all about them and not about others is when corruption and oppression seep in.
Preparing for the Passover Lamb means having this scene of Jesus washing feet in the forefront of our minds. If Jesus, whom we believe is fully God (and fully human), got down on his knees and washed feet, who are we to think we are above others? Jesus has power and authority over all of us. If we can’t serve other people or if we believe that serving others is below us, then we’re also saying that we believe we’re better than God Himsef.
A mentor of mine always used to say, “If you’re too prideful to clean toilets, you’re too prideful to preach.”
Overview & Preview
48 Days
51 Pages
As you begin making your own preparations for the Passover Lamb, I want to welcome you to this 48 day devotional. During February we’ll be diving into the mission of Jesus as He “turns His face towards Jerusalem” (Luke 9:51). As we explore this shift in Jesus’ ministry we’ll also be exploring what it looks like to follow Jesus every single day through our lenten journey.
As we move into March, we’ll begin examining the Passover elements and how they prepare us for the Cross and ultimate resurrection of Jesus. If you’ve never been a part of a Passover Seder experience before, I highly recommend it. If you can’t find one to be a part of this year, I have produced a Seder Experience for your home or community which you can find on my website:
Each day will conclude with an action, reflection, or some way to take the devotional beyond the pages. If you don’t already use a daily journal, I encourage you to use one during Lent. If not, I have allowed space at the bottom of each page for you to fill in your thoughts and responses.
Sample Pages

Start your lenten journey today!