Justin Boothby – Start of a New Season

When I was 6 years old, according to my Mom, I stood in the West Washington Methodist Church and said I wanted to be a Pastor. Almost 15 years later I received a prophetic word that I was called to be a bridge. I believe God has been developing me as a bridge since I was a child. Until I was about 8 I went to a Methodist Church and a Catholic School. Then when I was 10 I was in a Baptist Church until I was 17. Following a rock bottom experience, I was baptized in the Holy Spirit and became a Pentecostal and went to an AG College (Southeastern University). Somehow I managed to Youth Pastor in a Presbyterian Church for 2 ½ years while I did my M.Div. at a Pentecostal Seminary (Regent University). Then God led me to his ancient land and be taught from an atheistic perspective at Hebrew University. There I wrestled with my faith more than ever before and the reality of God’s existence. It was painful, but it was crucial to my faith.

After 14 months of wrestling with God’s plan and no other open doors (even the ones that should have been a no brainer that I was rejected from) I have accepted a Director of Christian Discipleship position at Monroeville United Methodist Church. During my second interview, only two weeks after my initial interview, I spoke with about 12 members of the church; some older, some younger. But when I interviewed with them I spoke with a passion I haven’t experienced or felt in many years. It’s hard to describe in words. Even though I haven’t technically been in a ministry setting in 3 years, I felt like I had the passion of a college student exploring ministry for the first time. Only this time, I had the experience to have a bit more sense in my answers.

There’s no doubt God has been fulfilling that word that I’m called to be a bridge, even before it was spoken over me, to be an ecumenical servant. Around that same time, from someone totally different, someone prophesied that I’m called to many different ministry settings. I’m not just called to reach methodists, presbys, pentecostals, etc. I’m called to reach the body of Christ. I’m not just called to youth ministry, I’m called to bridge the gap between the age groups in a way that helps our generations flourish together rather than divided. I’m called to serve Churches, Missionaries, Ministries, and Schools and to bridge the gaps that exist between them. I’m called to be a servant of God to serve everyone.

I’m nervous and excited for this new season of life and what God will have in store for Lauren and I. We have enough experience under our belt to know this won’t be a piece of cake (though cake sounds delicious right now!). We know it will be challenging, but we’re excited to do it together. For those wondering where Lauren and I are in the whole “marriage” process, we’ll have more info for you soon 😉

MUM (short for Monroeville United Methodist) has also agreed to allow me to continue filming missionaries for the Foundation for Missions. This is a huge part of what Lauren and I are doing for Empowering Hope. Nevertheless, I still need to raise my own support. As of right now, we’ll be going to the Amazon in Peru, Guatemala, Haiti, and back to Honduras. If you would like to be a voice for these missionaries and help them reach more people, we’re still looking for team members who are willing to support us monthly in all different capacities. If you’d like to come on the team, please message or email me ([email protected]). We’d love to have you on board 🙂 

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