A desolate red desert spans the landscape with a mountain in front of you. The sky is gloomy and cloudy as if a volcano has just erupted. Millions of people are forking in the road. Most go left while a few go right. Terror begins shooting through your veins. Tens of thousands times ten million march toward a perilous doom while you scream and yell for them to turn and follow you. But your screams fade into the desolate air. Your screaming becomes exhausted so you begin following the path to the right knowing you don’t have much time.

As you begin the path up the hill you come to a stop and hide behind a rock about a third of the way up the hill. As you stand up you oversee those millions rushing to their death. As you catch your breath, one of the few men that went your way walks up to you.

“What is going on?” You ask.

He quickly responds, “It’s the end of the world!”

But you know better. The end of the world looks much differently than this. As the man rushes away, three of your friends appear out of nowhere. Glad to see a familiar face you greet them. A feeling of comfort soon turns to a feeling of terror as their slicked back hair and blank eyes begin to frighten your soul. Afraid, you bow down to cover your head as they scream and vanish from your sight.

Knowing there is more to this path you begin climbing the mountain. As you climb past halfway you notice mud and patches of grass. After a barren terrain has consumed your path you’re glad to see some signs of life. But this path gets harder and steeper. No rocks to hold on to. No rope to keep you from falling. Simply you climbing a steep muddy path. But as you get to the top you begin to slip and lose your grip. The mind immediately says, “All this just to fall?” Panic fills your thoughts and as if in slow motion you begin falling backwards.

Then out of nowhere, a young woman catches your arm and brings you to the top. She’s there for but a second. When your feet stand beneath you at the top of this mountain you begin to cry as you see the other side. A vision of beauty and glory burst through your eyes and your emotions can’t control themselves. Beauty has never even glimpsed such a sight. A land of love. A land of beauty. A land that must wait. Just as the woman lasted for but a second, so this vision lasted but a second as you quickly enter an auditorium they called the “waiting room.”

It’s been six years since I had this dream. It’s also been six years since I have had a clear vision for what God wants to do through me. Six years ago he called me to begin a prayer movement. A prayer movement that was marked by miracles, revival, and unfortunately a dramatic collapse.

My life has never been the same since. Whatever confidence I had was popped like a balloon. To put it bluntly, it was like the Hindenburg in my soul. I was devastated and disappointed. It was as if my world had ended but I knew better. My friends tried to sway me, but I knew better. So I climbed. Feelings of doubt, depression and anxiety have filled my veins and have caused me to barely operate. But this ends now!

This Ends NowWhile I haven’t received another prophetic dream concerning my future (and I believe the dream above still is yet to be completely fulfilled), God has spoken words inside of me I cannot ignore: Prayer, Passion, Purpose, Pursuit…Overcome.

I’m wiser now. I’m older now. I don’t claim to know everything but I do claim to be humbly redeemed by an amazing Savior. I don’t know what will happen this year. I don’t claim to have any prophetic vision. I simply proclaim: Overcome.

It’s been six years since I have felt God about to move so strongly through the church and myself. It’s been six years since I have felt such a vigorous change about to burst through like a raging waterfall. Let us join together in prayer and seek out our passions so we may know our purpose and pursue our destinies as we overcome this world together through Jesus Christ.

“…But take heart, for I have overcome the world.” –Jesus, John 16:33

About Justin

Justin is a lifelong student who loves to speak, travel, film, write, and coach. He has a goal of empowering others to grow closer to Jesus in practical and unique ways. After acquiring two degrees in Practical Theology and then studying in Israel for two years, Justin has a passion to help people read the Bible with a deeper appreciation in its original, ancient context. He would not be where he is today without his incredible wife, Lauren! While he's a pastor at heart, he's also an avid pizza lover, metalcore listener, and shot glass collector.

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