A Different Christian Perspective On Abortion
As a Christian in America, I’ve had to reimagine my faith on many topics. After listening to so many stories on abortion, I had to reimagine my faith when it comes to abortion.
From Deconstruction To Reimagination: Introduction
Deconstruction is the buzzword in many Christian circles today and I want to help those in that journey reimagine how to follow Jesus.
How To Become A Resilient Jesus-Follower
If you find yourself dealing with rejection or bad circumstances, it can be difficult to be resilient. But through Jesus it’s possible!
Be The Light Of Jesus (No Matter How Big Or Small Your Influence Is)
Being the Light of Jesus means operating out of the fruits of the Spirit no matter where we are and no matter how many people we influence.
The End Times: From Deconstruction To Reimagination
Who cares about the end times? Let’s be honest, Jesus is probably going to come back before you finish reading this article anyway!
Why I’m Walking Away From The Dream Of Becoming A Traditional Pastor
Being in a traditional pastor role has been what I felt called to for most of my life. But now, it seems, it’s time to let it go.
Do You Feel Stuck? You’re Not Alone!
Feeling stuck is a hard place to be. Not know what decisions you need to make is even more difficult. So how do we wait on God?
5 Reasons Why Jesus Followers Should Observe The Passover Seder
Did you know communion was founded on the Passover Seder? Jesus used the elements of the Seder to proclaim that He was the Lamb of God.
Political Identity: From Deconstruction To Reimagination
Is my identity found in my political party or in Jesus of Nazareth? And if it is found in Jesus, am I really bringing His Kingdom to earth?
Why Does Jesus Tell Us To Eat His Flesh and Drink His Blood?
Jesus commands us to do something gross: eat His flesh and drink His blood. What was Jesus really trying to tell us?
Don’t Look Back: Giving Up Failure For Your Kingdom Purpose
Are you wasting your Kingdom purpose by focusing on past failures? Is Jesus a cruel Messiah? Let’s take a look!
What In The World Is Epiphany And Why Is It Important?
Epiphany. The “Three Wisemen.” The Christmas Star. All of these words give us radical new meaning through the lens of Jesus.